[Orientation] FE: About Natalie Chami

    It's a new school year! In these first three days, we have been getting reacclimated to normal school life. We have been quite busy, in fact, we already had a field experience yesterday. We went to the Pritzker Pavilion in Millennium Park. We heard a few soundscapes, which are kind of like relaxing background or ambient music. Of the two that we heard, my favorite was “Along Dusk” by Natalie Chami. We were tasked with asking a question about a part of the performance that we were curious about, and I decided to research the artist. I would like to know more about Natalie Chami, and what inspired her to create this piece as well as some of her other pieces.

    The thing that inspired her to create this piece was moving away from Chicago. In fact, this was the final piece she made before she moves away, having lived here for sixteen years. She is a successful artist and musician who has released nine albums since 2012, each of which have been fairly successful. She frequently tours and collaborates with other creators. I connected with the lament of having to leave the place you’ve been for a while, as well as the excitement of going to a new place, as I have moved around a lot in my childhood and it's an interesting experience every single time. Chami started learning music when she was only three years old and she got interested in the piano. She then started taking piano lessons when she was five years old and took it throughout her whole childhood. I would like to learn more about what really inspires her and how it keeps her motivated, even when an album isn’t doing too well, even if the last one didn’t do too well. 

Natalie Chami

    Moving forward in this investigation, we are going to take what we learned about sound and ambient noise to try and design a suitable learning environment and classroom. Stay tuned!


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