[Coding] Project 3: Finally! An Actual Game!

 Another Action Project already! This one is for coding! This term in coding, we have been learning about loops and ranges. We learned about two different kinds of Loops: a While loop, which repeats until a condition is met, and a For loop, which repeats for a specific number of times. We used all of that knowledge to create a small educational game. It is more of a proof of concept, but my game is a short turn-based game where you are trying to defeat your enemy. Here is my final project:


This was a very fun project! with each unit, I get closer and closer to creating a functional game experience. This was the first time where I really think this is a "game" and not a coding project. This is because you can win and lose, it's not just auto-generated responses to a few possible answers. I definitely went in over my head with this project and had to simplify it multiple times, but I think the final product is something to be proud of! Our next unit dives into visuals, so stay tuned!


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