[Spanish] Dolls!

     And now it is time for the Spanish Action Project of the term! We have been learning a lot about the tenses and describing things using ar-,er-, and ir- verbs. We learned about turning verbs into commands and practiced that. And of course, we practiced vocabulary about a number of topics. For this Action Project, we have been tasked with two things: To create a quitapena doll and to describe it using Spanish verbs. Creating the dolls was a process that involved sketching them and then creating them in the physical world using pipe cleaners. Without further ado, here is my sketch:

L.A.H., Jeffrey on Paper, 2022
Oh yeah, I named him Jeffrey. Here is my completed doll:
L.A.H., Jeffrey in the real space, 2022
Here are my sentences about Jeffrey:

Jeffrey lleva traje de baño rojo, flotante amarillo, zapatos de nadar azules y bufande rosada.
La bufanda está hecha de polyester.
La baño está hecha de polyester.
La flotante está hecha de plástico.
La zapatos está hecha de plástico.
Jeffrey nada, floata, camina, lee, sumerge.
Jeffrey estuvo triste y enojado.

    All in all, this was a very fun project! I limited myself to only use pipe cleaners as a challenge so if I were to do this project again I may not have done that. I am proud of the doll I was able to create and how I described it in Spanish. A very fun project and a very fun unit!


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